When I saw this, my jaw dropped and I yelled, "Excuse me?" either we just went back a hundred years, and we still somehow have Twitter or someone made a poor choice. It turns out it was the latter. (Though #AllBlackPeopleShouldKNow would be further evidence of going back in time.) Although "Whore of the Orient" is an old "nickname" for Shanghai, why dig up something like that and make the title of your "triple A" game?
Back in November, an article in Financial Review mentioned George Miller acquiring the rights to Team Bondi's Whore of the Orient. It was the first mention of the game, but it was not mentioned again until Team Bondi updated their website today. Hence, the title of the game trending on Twitter. Unfortunately, I have yet to play L.A. Noir, and haven't kept up with any Team Bondi news. As far as I knew, they didn't exist anymore.
The game is about 1930s Shanghai, which actually sounds interesting with, "Western powers who greedily exploit the Chinese masses..." and "...the Kuomintang ruthlessly trying to suppress Communism and the labour movement." But WHY oh WHY would you call it that awful nickname Whore of the Orient? Team Bondi, did you know at one point in American History, Americans thought all Chinese women were prostitutes? They believed so strongly in this, the government made it almost completely illegal for Chinese women to immigrate to the United States under the assumption that they were all whores. To this day, Asian women are synonymous with sex. Just check out these Google image searches. While I don't have any opposition to what the game is about, why title the game with such a loaded stereotypical term?